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قديم 21-08-2010, 07:22AM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
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Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 627
افتراضي Released NOW :Birmingham Annual Conference 2010

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

I'm glad to announce for you that the valuable lectures of the summer conference that was held in Birmingham from July 31st till Aug the 2nd are now in
The lectures were been broadcasted in paltalk (here) and in Azzad Anabawy Room in Beyluxe from

Ramadhaan & Excellence of the Quraan
By Sheikh Ubayd al Jaabiree

The Strangeness of the Sunnah
By Sheikh Muhammad bin Haadee al Madkhali

Being Patient Upon Seeking Knowledge
By Sheikh Ahmad as-Subayee

Spreading the Truth & Refuting Falsehood
By Sheikh Ahmad as-Subayee

Examples on the Life of the Strangers
By Sheikh Falaah bin Ismeaal al Mundikaar

Times of Strangeness -Ghurbah-
By Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ramzaan

Issues Related to Manners & Character Within Islaam
By Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ramzaan

Know Your Enemy
By Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ramzaan

Allaah Likes for You Three and He Dislikes For You Three Things
Jumuah Khutbah
By Sheikh Muhammad Ramzaan

Tawheed & Patience Upon The Sunnah
By Sheikh Ahmad as-Subayee

You can listen to the lectures

***Note that the lectures are in Arabic and had been translated by the brothers Bilal Hakeem Davis,Abu khadija Abd Al-Wahed, Abu Ishaq Nadeem, and Ahmad Lahmami -jazahum Allah khayran
قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

Last edited Done By Omm AL-Homayra'a ; 21-08-2010 at 07:31AM
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