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قديم 27-08-2010, 04:57PM
Omm AL-Homayra'a Omm AL-Homayra'a غير متواجد حالياً
مشرفة - وفقها الله -
Registration Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 627

Salah 02

The first Tashahhud

Tashahhud as confirmed from the Prophet

Dropping the first Tashahhud intentionally

Dropping the first Tashahhud forgetfully

Ma'mum following the Imam in Tashahhud

Formula of Tashahhud

The way of pronouncing Tashahhud

Joining the Imam during the first Tashahhud of Maghrib Prayer

The way of saying the first Tashahhud

Supplication said after Tshahhud

Invoking blessings on the Prophet during the Tashahhud

The form of sending blessings on the Prophet in the Tashahhud

Takbir in Salah

Makruh acts that distract a person during Salah

Looking upward and closing the eyes

Suppressing the urge to urinate or defecate

Looking around during Salah

Killing a serpent

Answering the phone during Salah

Saying "Al-hamdu lillah" upon sneezing in Salah

Greeting the person offering Salah

Tucking clothes

Abscence of mind during Salah

Placing one's hand on the mouth to block yawning


The final Tashahhud

Ma'mum abandoning saying Tashahhud while praying with the Imam

Description of sitting between the two prostrations

Whether Tawarruk sitting is obligatory or Sunnah

Pointing with the index finger during Tashahud

Reciting the last Tashahud after the Imam says Taslim

Supplication said after the final Tashahhud

Invoking blessings on the Prophet

Supplications of invoking blessings on the Prophet

Obligation of invoking blessings on the Prophet in the final Tashahhud

Al-Salah Al-Ibrahimiyyah or Salat-ul-Fatih

Definition of Al-Salah Al-Ibrahimiyyah and Salat-ul-Fatih

Adding the word "Sayyiduna" while sending blessings on the Prophet

Validity of Salat-ul-Fatih

Reciting Taslim in Salah

Reciting Taslim is obligatory

The Mu'mum looking at the Imam when saying Taslim

The Ma'mum leaving before the Imam

Legislating Taslim to end the Salah

The Imam departing from the right or left sides

Wiping the face with hands after Salah

Taking Sutrah in Salah

Tranquil Submission

Salah behind an Imam who is not in a state of tranquil submission

Being hasty during the Subh Prayer

Nullifiers of Salah

Laughing as a nullifier of Salah

Ruling on laughing during Salah

The claim of the excellence of a married man's Salah over that of a single man

Tasbih and Dhikr after Salah

Saying supplications after the prescribed Salah

Reciting Ayat-ul-Kursy and the Mu`awwidhatayn

Remembering Allah using Misbahah

Meaning of Tasbih

Du`a' in a language other than Arabic

Du`a' after offering Salah

Greeting each other after Salah


Obligation of Sujud-ul-Sahw

Description of Sujud-ul-Sahw

Missing one Rak`ah and only realizing after Taslim

Increase or Decrease in Salah

The latecomer following the Imam in offering Sujud-ul-Sahw

Increase or Decrease in Salah

Forgetting one of the pillars of Salah

Sujud as a pillar of Salah

An Imam forgetting the first Tashahhud

Performing Sujud-ul-Sahw before or after the Taslim

Pronouncing Takbir on standing to make up for a missing part

Sujud-ul-Sahw Supplications

Prostration of the latecomer

A Mu'mum saying Taslim before the Imam forgetfully

Mamums' Sahw in Salah

Sujud-ul-Sahw in a supererogatory Salah

Sujud-ul-Tilawah during Salah

Saying the Takbir for Sujud-ul-Tilawah

Satan's insinuations during Salah

Du`a' that repels insinuations during Salah

Supererogatory Salah

Tarawih Prayer

Ruling on Tarawih prayer

Performing Tarawih in congregation in a Masjid

Offering Tarawih Prayers at home

Reciting from the Mus-haf in Tarawih

Optional Night Salah

Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib

Reciting Qur'an in Salah

Changing a person's place to perform the Supererogatory Salah

Similarity of essential parts and obligations between Nafilah as Fardh

A Salah between each two Adhans

Supererogatory Prayers perfecting the Obligatory Prayer

Offering the Sunnah Salah at home

Abandoning Al-Sunan Al-Rawatib

Offering supererogatory Salah after the Adhan of Fajr

Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid and the Sunnah of Fajr Prayer

Offering the two supererogatory Rak`ahs (units of prayer) prior to Fajr Prayer after Iqamah


Ruling on Sujud-ul-Tilawah

Saying the Takbir for Sujud-ul-Tilawah

Taharah as a prerequisite for Sujud-ul-Tilawah

A menstruating woman offering Sujud-ul-Tilawah and Sujud-ul-Shukr

A woman offering Sujud-ul-Tilawah without a veil

Passing in front of someone offering Sujud-ul-Tilawah

Praying at the forbidden times (Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid)

Congregational Salah

Ruling on Congregational Salah

Forsaking congregational Salah without a legal excuse

The minimal number of participants in congregational Salah

The difference between praying congregationally and individually

Ruling on a Muslim abandoning congregational Salah to pray alone

Praying individually at home though neighboring the Masjid

Neglecting Salah in congregation without a valid excuse

Offering Salah at the workplace despite having a nearby Masjid

Necessity of giving up congregational Salah for anyone who persists in committing sinful acts

Obligation of congregational Salah on a Muslim who can hear the Adhan at a distance

Working during the time of Congregational Salah to obey managers

Whether a Person should quit the Congregational Salah if they see some abominable acts there

Building a Masjid near the house, but congregational Salah is rarely performed there

Leaving the congregation and offering Salah at home

Forsaking those who abandon Salah

Establishing a second congregation in the Masjid

Offering supererogatory Prayer after Iqamah for obligatory Prayer is announced

Counting the Rak`ah when joining the Imam during Ruku`

Waiting or joining prayer for someone entering the Masjid when the people are reciting Tashahhud

Women's Salah

Muslim Women Going to the Masjid

Women Offering Salah in the Presence of Men

The Tent made for Women to offer Salah next to the Masjid


The most worthy to lead the prayer

Offering Salah behind an Imam who does not recite the Qur'an well

Offering Salah behind a Mushrik

Salah behind a Tijany Sufi

Offering Salah behind an Imam believing in Hulul

Salah behind Imams of unknown creed

Whether Disagreement in the Branches of Fiqh Prevents Following each other in Salah

Praying behind a Fasiq

A banker leading prayer

Praying behind an Imam of a Masjid in which Jumu`ah prayer is not established

Being led by a bachelor in Salah

Imamate of a blind or disabled Imam

The Imamate of an illegitimate child

Imamate of a boy

A woman leading other women in congregational Salah

Imamate of a person suffering from enuresis

Changing one's intention from Zhuhr to `Asr prayer during prayer

Prolonging Salah

The prayer of a Ma'mum in front of the Imam

Wages for the Imamate

Should a person offering Salah individually leave his Salah to join the congregation

Offering Salah behind women in case of necessity
قال بديع الزمان الهمذاني في وصف العلم:
« العلم شيء بعيد المرام، Not يُصاد بالسهام، وNot يُقسم بالأزNotم، وNot يُرى في الFromام، وNot يُضبط باللجام، وNot يُكتب للثام، وNot يورث عن الآباء والأعمام وزرع Not يزكو إNot متى صادف From الحزم ثرى طيبا، وFrom التوفيق مطرا صيبا، وFrom الطبع جوا صافيا، وFrom الجهد روحا دائما، وFrom الصبر سقيا نافعا وغرض Not يصاب إNot بافتراش المدر، واستناد الحجر، وردّ الضجر، وركوب الخطر، وإدمان السهر، واصطحاب السفر، وكثرة النظر، وإعمال الفكر»

[«جواهر الأدب» للهاشمي (194)]

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