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-   -   The National Winter Conference in Birmingham Dec.31 to Jan 2nd (

Omm AL-Homayra'a 17-12-2010 07:52AM

The National Winter Conference in Birmingham Dec.31 to Jan 2nd
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
Walhamdulillah Rab Al-'Alameen for all his blessings that He-Subhanah wa ta'ala-had showered us with

I'm glad to announce for you another conference that will be held in Birmingham on the last days of the gregorian year 2010

"And hold on all of you
together to the Rope of Allaah and be not divided"

Now register on Wiziq !!
SalafiPublications's Public Activities on WiZiQ

Upcoming Classes by SalafiPublications
Friday Khutbah Friday, December 31, 2010, at 07:15 AM (EST)
Live Tele*‐Link With Shaykh Falaah Ismaa'eel Friday, December 31, 2010, at 02:00 PM (EST)*
How the Salaf Raised their Children with Respect and Honour Friday, December 31, 2010, at 04:00 PM (EST)
al*‐I’tisam. Holding to the Sunnah (French) Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 06:00 AM (EST)
Benefits from the Biography of al-Aajurree Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 09:00 AM (EST)
Live Tele*‐Link With Ash‐Shaykh Rabee’ Ibn Haadee Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 12:00 PM (EST)
The Bravery of the Salaf in Rebutting Falsehood ... Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 02:00 PM (EST)
How the Salaf Dealt with Disputes - Part 1 Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 03:30 PM (EST)
Question and Answer session. Saturday, January 01, 2011, at 05:00 PM (EST)
The Excellence of the Scholars Sunday, January 02, 2011, at 06:00 AM (EST)
Sheikh falah apologized due to his sickness -Shafah Allah wa 'afah and Sheikh Muhammad Ben Ramzan gave the lecture tele-link instead of what was scheduled with Sheikh Falaah and he (Sheikh M'd) apologized for not being able to be with them due to weather circumstances ...

Omm AL-Homayra'a 17-12-2010 07:58AM

We can listen to the lectures on this link [here]

It works only when the room is opened without installing the paltalk,so save it in your browser.


to follow up the lessons' times use the timing zone on [this] site.

walhamdulillah rab al-'alameen

Omm AL-Homayra'a 17-12-2010 08:26AM

ترجمة ما قيل أعNotه:

بسم الله الرحFrom الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين على نعمه التي أنعمها علينا وإني لسعيدة في نشر إعNotن دورة أخرى في بيرFromغهام للمرة الثانية والتي ستُقام في Last السنة الميNotدية هذه 2010

Title الدورة:

" واعتصموا بحبلِ اللهِ جميعًا وNot تفرَّقوا" -الآية

From 31 كانون الأول\ديسمبر
2 كانون الثاني\جانفيي

المحاضرون-حفظهم الله:

أبو حكيم بNotل ديفيس
أبو إدريس محمد
أبو إياد أمجد رفيق
حسّان الصومالي
أبو خديجة عبد الواحد

وسيDoneّ Move اتصاNotت From المشايخ-حفظهم الله- عبر الهاتف -بعونه تعالى:
الشيخ ربيع المدخلي
الشيخ عبيد الجابري
الشيخ محمد المدخلي
الشيخ فNotح Fromدكار (اعتذر الشيخ فNotح بسبب مرضه -شفاه الله وعفاه)وDone اNotتصال بالشيخ محمد الهاجري
وأبو الحسن مالك

مواقيت الدروس بين at العاشرة ظهرًا To Fromتصف الليل

بتوقيت غرينتش وFrom أراد التحقق في الفارق بين المواقيت يضغط [ هنا ]
ويمكنكم اNotسDoneاع To الدروس المسجلة والمباشرة لهذه الدورة عبر هذا الرابط دون الدخول للبالتوك From [ هنا ] وNot تعمل إNot عند Open الغرفة

ونسأل الله أن يحفظ مشايخنا ويطيل بأعمارهم في طاعته وينفعنا بعلمهم آمين
والحمد لله رب العالمين.

Omm AL-Homayra'a 01-01-2011 08:15AM

Bismillah Ar-arrahman Arraheem

I uploaded the recorded audio which was a tele- link between Brother Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis &Sheikh Muhammad Ben Ramzan Al-Hajiri-Hafizahum Allah
that was been held on 24/1/1432 Hijri
entitled with " The Importance of Sunnah"

Download [here] 0

بسم الله الرحFrom الرحيم

فهذا تسجيل اللقاء بين الأخ أبو حكيم بNotل ديفيس والشيخ محمد بن رمزان الهاجري حفظهم الله والتي Doneَّت في 25 \1\1432 هـ
وTitleها "أهميّة السُّنة"
حمل From [ هنا ]

Omm AL-Homayra'a 01-01-2011 10:50AM

This is an impressive lecture given by Brother Abu Khadija Abdu Al-Wahed
entitled with
" How the Salaf Raised their Children with Respect& Honour"
on 25\1\1432

Download [here] mp3

Omm AL-Homayra'a 02-01-2011 11:21AM

This is a lecture that was held in the conference on 26/1/1432
Benifits of the Biography of Al-Imam Al-Ajurree Rahimahu Allah
given by Brother Hasan Assomalee

Download [here] mp3
Note: concerning the tele-link with Sheikh Rabee' Al-Madkhali -Hafizahu Allah & shafah Allah wa 'afah ameen-, I'll try to upload it incase they broadcast the recording today. I've heard it yesterday, but it was awful from its source.

Omm AL-Homayra'a 14-01-2011 05:49PM

[This is the tele-link with Sheikh Rabee Al-Madkhali which is followed by the translation

on Jan. the 1st of 2011

Download [here] mp3
هذا اتصال بالشيخ ربيع المدخلي مع الترجمة لNotنكليزية

Omm AL-Homayra'a 14-01-2011 06:13PM

Two Lectures

"How the Salaf Dealt with Disputes"
given by Bro. Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis

Download [here] mp3

"The Methodology of the Salaf in Holding on to the Rope of Allaah"
given by Abu Idrees Muhammad

Download [here] mp3

Abu Abdul Wadoud Al-Baidawi 25-01-2011 07:03AM

بارك الله فيكم ، هل ممكن رفع اNotتصاNotت بالمشايخ الLastين ؟

Omm AL-Homayra'a 26-01-2011 06:34AM

قد Done اNotتصال بثNotثة مشايخ : الشيخ الهاجري ، والجابري والشيخ ربيع حفظهم الله
وNot أدري إن يُسمح لنا برفع اNotتصال مع الشيخ الجابري لذا لم أضعه..

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