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Abu Thar Jawad 15-07-2015 11:56PM

When should The Caller say "Prayer is better than sleep"? by Shaykh Maher Al-Qahtani
BismiLahi Al-Rahmani AL-Rahim

When does the muadhin say 'prayer is better than sleep' in the adhan of fajr, in the first or second adhan.

All praise is due to Allah and may Allah's salutations and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah.

To proceed:
It has spread in Ash-shaam and the minorities of the virtuous people of hadith in the west that the statement of the muadhin in the fajr adhan 'prayer is better than sleep' is said during the night (the people of knowledge that have this opinion call it 'the first adhan') and that what is done in the Haramayn is wrong, in that they say it in the adhan of As-subh (which they refer to as the second adhan).

With all due respect and appreciation to those that said this, their position is disputable and what is correct is what is done in the Haramayn. This is from a number of aspects, as many as 15 which I have mentioned in my book which may be viewed via the following link.

This book has an introduction written by our shaykh, al-alaamah, one who is firmly grounded in knowledge, unhasty and considered, Salih bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan.

From those aspects is that the greatest thing that the noble people of knowledge and insight connect to this issue is the hadith of Abu Mahdhoora found in Nisaa'ee, that when our Prophet taught him the adhan he said to him 'so if you are calling in the first of As-subh then say "prayer is better than sleep".

So they focused on the apparent linguistic meaning of the hadith, and that is their right. However they missed something (and who is free from missing something) and that is that there is something that indicates a literal legislative meaning for the statement 'the first of as-subh'. So this is given precedence over the linguistic and customary meaning.

As is in Sahih al Bukhari, on the authority of Aisha that she said: 'So when it was the first of As-subh, he would stand and offer two rakaah of prayer (meaning the two rakaah before the fardh prayer)'

So this indicates that 'the first of As-subh' is what is before the iqama when considering the second iqama as is in the customary understanding of the Sahaba. And the way they use the language takes precedence because that is the literal legislative meaning if it does not differ with the linguistic meaning.

Etc.....from the other pointsO Allah! Show us Truth as Truth and give us ability to follow it and show us Falsehood as Falsehood and give us the ability to avoid it.

Our Shaykh Maher Abu Abdillah Maher Bin Dhafer Al-Qahtani
Member of The awareness Hajj Ministry of Islamic Affairs
And Chairman of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Jeddah.

This is the link of the book:

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Translated by Abu Maryam Jaouad Al-Maghrebi

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