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Omm AL-Homayra'a 23-01-2011 10:32AM

AUDIO:Explanation of Kitab At-Tawheed
AUDIO:Explanation of Kitab At-Tawheed
From the commentary of Sheikh Saleh Fawzan Al-Fawzan-Hafizahu Allah

Essential Chapters Translated By Bro. Abu ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Downloads in Chronological Order:
01 – Obeying the Scholars and Rulers

02 – Forbiddance of Showing Off P1
03 – Forbiddance of Showing Off P2
04 – Actions for worldly reasons P1
05 – Actions for worldly reasons P2
06 – Whoever curses Time has wronged Allaah
07 – Belief in Omens
08 – On Saying IF
09 – What Allaah may will and you may will
10 – Vows to other than Allaah
11 – To make a binding oath upon Allaah
12 – Whoever asks By Allaah
13 – Intercession of Allaah before His creation
14 – Whoever makes fun of the religion
15 – This wealth is the result of my labour and knowledge
16 – Every name which leads to the service of other than Allaah
17 – To be Named Judge of Judges
18 – To have patience with the decree of Allaah P1
19 – To have patience with the decree of Allaah P2
20 – Fear of Allaah Alone
21 – What is said regarding Astrology
22 – Intercession P1
23 – Intercession P2
24 – Intercession P3
25 – Put your Trust in Allaah P1
26 – Put your Trust in Allaah P2
27 – To feel secure against the Plan of Allaah P1
28 – To feel secure against the Plan of Allaah P2
29 – Seeking Rainfall by Virtue of the Stars P1
30 – Seeking Rainfall by Virtue of the Stars P2
31 – Do not setup rivals with Allaah P1
32 – Do not setup rivals with Allaah P2
33 – Love for Allaah P1
34 – Love for Allaah P2
35 – Love for Allaah P3
36 – Curing through Magical Spells

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