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Omm AL-Homayra'a 01-03-2010 09:50AM

Salafi Guide Toolbar: Approaching the Sunnah between the Hands of the Ummah
بسم الله الرحFrom الرحيم

What is the Salafi Guide Toolbar?
*Salafi Guide Toolbar is a shortcut to be updated with the Salafi sites in a blink
*Salafi Guide Toolbar helps you know the Salafi websites in various fields and languages
*Salafi Guide Toolbar is a short path to seek knowledge via internet
*Salafi Guide Toolbar is a path to Assalafiyya

[[ Download from here ]]
It will work directly after installation on one of the web browsers : Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari.
(You many click on one of the browsers below to get the direct link)
<table id="ctl00_contentPlaceHolder_otherBrowsers_tblMain " class="normalFont cmpCaption" border="0"><tbody><tr valign="middle"><td class="otherimg" valign="middle">http://salafguidetoolbar.ourtoolbar....s/IE_small.gif </td> <td>
</td> <td class="otherimg" valign="middle"> http://salafguidetoolbar.ourtoolbar....s/SF_small.gif </td> <td>
</td> <td class="otherimg" valign="middle"> http://salafguidetoolbar.ourtoolbar....s/FF_small.gif</td></tr></tbody></table>

Some pictures of the Salafi Guide Toolbar

A search toolbar for the Salafi sites

A shortcut for the Salafi radios that broadcast via internet
A resource for the Salafi websites
Recent posts in Salafi forums

And there are a lot of other service in this toolbar.

What could you find in this toolbar?
1- It is a resource for the websites of the famous Salafi scholars such as
Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ben Baz, Sheikh Naseruddin Al-Albani , Sheikh Muhammad Al-Othaimeen, Sheikh Saleh Fowzan Al Fozan, Sheikh Rabee Ben Hadi Al-Madkhali, Sheikh Saleh Assuhaymi, and other websites for Salafi scholars and students and Salafi forums.
2- You can find many Salafi radios that broadcast all over the day such as Live Salafi Duroos, and other radios which are specialized to broadcast live sessions.
3- You can find various Salafi websites, audio sites, and other important websites. There are even websites in different languages such as: Arabic, English, French, Deutsch, Spanish,Dutch, Turkish, Urdu, Swedish, Albanian,Russian,and Tamazight.
4- You will find the most important Salafi websites [Sahab, Ajurry,Albaidha, Hasoob Assalafiyya, Al-Baseerah] with their recent activities.

At the end, I ask Allah to reward the programmers and who is behind that work. And I ask all brothers and sisters to spread this important toolbar among whom they know.

Been translated and modified referring to this link

OMU-MAHMOUD 01-03-2010 11:24AM

may allah bless u sis

Omm AL-Homayra'a 01-03-2010 04:22PM

You too, ameen

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