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Umm Mohammad 19-06-2010 07:32PM

Remembering the Destination - A Cure for Weak Emaan
Ibnul Qayyim al Jawzuyyah

Madaarij us-saalikeen

When o*ne’s mind is clear, he will be able to see clearly, thus giving such a person a light in his heart that will allow him to almost witness the Warning and the Promise, Paradise and Hell, and what Allah has prepared in this (Paradise) For His Awliyaa` (loyal friends) and in that (Hell) for His enemies. He will then witness people rushing out of their graves following the call of the Truth (Resurrection).
The angels in the heavens will then descend and will surround them (creation). Allah will then come to judge (between creation) and His Kursi (literally a footstool or chair) will be raised. The earth will shine with the Light of its Lord (Allah, when He comes to judge between His creation), the Book (of Records) will be opened and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward. The Mizan (Scale) will then be established, the books of (individual) records will fly around and the foes will converge, each holding to its foe. Al-Houdh (the pool that runs outside the gates of Paradise from a river inside it) will then appear and its cups will appear close by. Thirst will intensify, but those who are allowed to drink are few. Al-Jisr (the bridge over Hell that everyone must pass over into Paradise) will then be laid (over Hell) so that (mankind and the Jinn) can pass over it (as for the disbelievers and those whose sins outweigh their good deeds, they will fall into Hell, where o*nly the disbelievers will reside for eternity). People will then be gathered in its direction.

The Fire (Hell) will appear, each part harshly consuming the other parts beneath it. Those who fall into it are far more than those who are saved from it. Then, an eye will be opened in his (the man who is thinking about these scenes) heart with which he will be able to see clearly. His heart will then witness some scenes of the Last Life, along with imagining the various stages of the Last Life which will last for eternity, as compared to this Dunya (the life of this world) and its briefness

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Take from your life for your death

On the authority of 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar (radhi-yallaahu 'anhumaa) who said:

If you live until the evening, then do not expect to live until the following morning. And if you live until the morning, then do not expect to see the evening. Take from your health for your sickness and from your life for your death

Reported by al-Bukhaaree

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