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Umm Mohammad 17-06-2010 02:32PM

A Wondrous Reality
"What a wonderful thing it is to know Him (I.e. Allaah)! But how can one know Him and not love Him? How can one hear the caller, but fail to respond? How can one know the profit that shall be gained in dealing with Him, but still prefer others? How can one taste the bitterness of disobeying Him, but still abstain from seeking the pleasure of obeying Him? How can one feel the severity of engaging in trivial speech, but fail to open your Heart with His remembrance? How can one be tortured by being attached to others, but not rush toward the bliss of turning to Him in repentance?

Perhaps it is most surprising to know that while you are in need of Him, you are still reluctant to move toward Him because you seek others."

[From al-Fawa`id - A collection of Wise Sayings, by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah)]

In this world, man finds in the remembrance of Allaah, praising Him and worshipping Him, a delight that is incomparable to anything else.

Omm AL-Homayra'a 17-06-2010 03:07PM

May Allah reward you sis, and this is the translation of it

قال ابن القيم ـ رحمه الله ـ :

"From أعجب الأشياء أن تعرف الله ثم Not تحبه
وأن تسمع داعيه ثم تتأخر عن الإجابة
وأن تعرف قدر الربح في معاملته، ثم تعامل غيره
وأن تعرف قدر غضبه ثم تتShowing له
وأن تذوق ألم الوحشة في معصيته، ثم Not تطلب الأنس بطاعته
وأن تذوق عصرة القلب عند الخوض في غير حديثه والحديث عنه، ثم Not تشتاق To انشراح الصدر بذكره وFromاجاته
وأن تذوق العذاب عند تعلق القلب بغيره وNot تهرب Fromه To نعيم الإقبال عليه، والإنابة إليه.
وأعجب From هذا علمك أنك Notبد لك Fromه وأنك أحوج شيء إليه، وأنت عنه مShowing وفيما يبعدك عنه راغب ".

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